E- mail neboli elektronická pošta je jednou z příčin, že Internet přitahuje stále víc lidí. Potřeba komunikace totiž neustále roste, stejně jako požadavky na její možnosti, kvalitu a především na rychlost. A právě elektronická pošta může všechny tyto požadavky uspokojit.
Co je to e-mail
E-mail je anglický výraz pro elektronickou poštu, který se používá i u nás. Jde o posílání dopisů přes Internet. Díky výhodám, které elektronická pošta přináší, se s ní můžete setkat i ve vnitropodnikových sítích, kde za její pomoci zaměstnanci komunikují a vyměňují si dokumenty a informace. Je to zkrátka komunikační prostředek moderní doby, se kterým se budete setkávat stále častěji. Rozšíření elektronické pošty prospívá také to, že svou vlastní e-mailovou schránku může mít každý uživatel Internetu zdarma- stačí si jen vybrat, nabídka je dost široká...
Hlavní výhodou elektronické pošty je její rychlost. I několikastránkový dopis dojde na druhý konec světa během několika minut. Odpověď tedy může být téměř okamžitá. Kromě rychlosti je potěšítelná i cena. ať posíláte e-mail kamkoliv, platítevždy jen telefonní poplatky za dobu, než dojde z vašeho počítače k poštovnímu serveru vašeho poskytovatele. Další výhodou je možnos "přibalit" k dopisu libovolný soubor. Od dokumentu ve Wordu po videoklip. Příjemce na přítomnost takovéto přílohy upozorněn a může si ji uložit na svůj počítač a poté s ní libovolně pracovat. Příjemce si poštu může přečíst kdy chce. V tom je problém telefonu - když není přítomen protějše, máte prostě smůlu.
Největší nevýhodou je prozatím nevyřešená otázka bezpečnosti dopisů. Proto se pomocí elektronické pošty nedoporučuje posílat důvěrnější a důležitější materiály. Pro ködování sice existuje několik programů, ale jejich rozšíření je mizhivé a cena není zrovna nízká. Nikdy nedostanete záruku, že vaše pošta byla opravdu doručena a adresát si ji přečetl. Na druhou stranu takovou možnost nemáte k dispozici ani u klasické pošty. Bohužel, někteří uživatelé začínají využívat vymožeností elektronické pošty - na e-maily neodpovídají, tváří se, že je nedostali atd. Ale s tím se nedá nic dělat.
elektronické adresy mají různý tvar podle počítače, na kterém je umístěna e-mailová achránka. Dležitým prvkem každé adresy je znak "@", kterému se říká "zavináč" - jesoučástí každé elektronické adresy. Rozděluje ji na dvě části. První část charakterizuje konkrétní osobu, které adresa patří- bývá to buď "jmeno.prijmeni" nebo přezdívka či zkratka jména. Druhou částí adresy je adresa počítače, na kterém se e-mailová schránka nachází. Adresa uživatele tedy může vypadat : mar@kova.com
Programů pro práci s elektronickou poštou je velmi mnojo. Liší se kvalitou, možnostmi a především cenou. Ovládání se však nijak neliší. Na Internetu je zdarma PegasusMail i Outlook Express, který je součástí programu Internetu Explorer. Také konkureční prohlížeč, který je Netscape Navigator, obsahuje program pro práci s elektronickou poštou. Pravděpodobně jedním z nejpoužívanějších e-mailových klientů je outlook ( součást kancelářského balíku MS Office). u každého e-mailového klienta musíte zadat informace o své poštovní schránce ( uživatelské jméno, heslo, příchozí pošty( POP3), server odesílané pošty( SMTP)). Proto je nejvhodnější je používat jen na počítači, ke kterému nemá nikdo kromě vás přístup. Někdy byste si ale chtěli přečíst poštu mimo domov- z toho důvodu je možný přístup do e-mailové schránky přes WWW rozhraní ( využíváno především u "free mail" serverů). po zadání uživatelského jména a hesla se dostanete na WWW stránku, která funguje obdobně jako programy, tímto způsobem si můžete přečíst poštu z kteréhokoliv počítače na světě - a nemusíte mít žádný software.
I když vzhledem a některými drobnostmi se programy mohou od sebe lišit, psaní dopisů je u všech stejné. Lze říci, že každý dopis se skládá z adresy a vlastního obsahu. Do přáslušného políčka musíte napsat elektronickou adresu toho, komu dopis posíláte. Vyplňovat by se mělo i políčko "předmět", do kterého se píše téma dopisu - příjemci t ozjednoduší orientaci v došlé poště. pak se jen stačí kliknutím myši přenout do plochy pro tělo dopisu a můžete začít psát. Ne každý poštovní program podporuje český jazyk. Pokud tedy někomu píšete poprvé a nevíte, jestli jeho e-mailový klient "umí česky", jak "piste bez hacku a carek" - bohužel, někteří uživatelé toto nerespektují, a tak by byloasi nejlepší zvyknout si nato, že čásky a háčky se do elektronické pošty nehodí.
Přehled komentářů
Jolene felt a burning sensation directly above her left nipple.It was a quick heat followed by a dull throb.It moved across her chest and ended just above her right nipple.She knew better than to cry out, or make any noise more than a low moan.
First time Selena and Roxy
(Charlessam, 8. 6. 2021 10:23)
I first met Selena at a party one night. I was sitting on the back deck with some friends when she walked through the doorway. Her beautiful long blonde hair was the first thing that caught my attention from the corner of my eye. She was the most stunning woman I had seen. Her beautiful smile, petite body and perfect ass. She wore a white T-shirt and blue jeans.Our eyes immediately made contact first thing and she smiled at me. I just got this vibe come over me Ive never felt before or since. It was not really a sexual vibe but I was instantly hard when I first saw her and kept having to adjust myself discreetly while watching her.
My wife's physical exam
(RonaldMix, 8. 6. 2021 4:48)
My wife was going to get her annual complete physical. She had never seen this doctor before. We just found him in the local listings.
We were both very excited as we waited in his exam room. My wife was terrified. She hated doctor exams. They are hugely embarrassing and humiliating and often painful for her.
I could see the fear on her face as we waited and waited.
After a forty-five minute wait because the doctor had some sort of emergency he had to deal with, the door opened and the doctor came in. The long wait and the anticipation made us both as wound up as people can be. Every nerve in my body felt electric. And then...
Guide to the pleasured life
(JosephBew, 7. 6. 2021 16:41)
Ill always start by asking her to put her tongue inside me; I dont mind sucking on it. I love French kissing! Id suck gently of course. Its definitely important to a find a good kissing routine! Surprise her, do more then she could imagine when it comes to romance. Id work my tongue against her neck, licking it and gently kissing it! Everything above her waist can be pleasured while rubbingyour hand between her legs. While working her neck, Its nice to tease her and somewhat tempt her. If she had little cute breasts, Id want to suck on them, so Ill ask her really nicely! And kiss her body, slowly up and up, explore things you havent before. Usually, I spend quite some time working on her cleavage, before actually kissing the center.
Three Sluts On A Train
(EnriqueBok, 6. 6. 2021 2:42)
Sam, a senior marketing executive at a major bank, navigates through the crowded train platform.Sam is a 32 year old busty brunette with stunning green eyes and long, sensual lashes. Thanks to her assets, she pushes past hundreds of bodies to finally get onto her train and make her way home for the evening without much trouble.
By the time everyone has shoved their way into the carriage, Sam is right in the centre of the throng, with barely any room to move.At this time of night, she knows shell be stuck in this spot for at least the next 30 minutes before her stop.
A Simpleton Becomes Business Women
(DanielTow, 5. 6. 2021 19:49)
She got fucked multiple times by Vijay kumarbut Again this time too the result was same ZERO.
Her sister who is oldertoZeenatby one year (24)Salmadelivered a cute baby girl. Since They were staying inHyderabadit was difficult for her to manage workduring her pregnancy and thereafter the baby. So she called her to stay with her for 6 months.Her Husband salman also permitted her to stay there and told her when ever He will be in town he will too come there and stay with them.
Although married herself, Zeenat was doing joband Shetooka 1 year break for her sister . Also, her husband keeps ontraveling as hefocussed more into increasing his business. So She had no worries about moving into her house for 6 months. In fact She was happy that She will get more time to spend with her sisterand her niece. So She packed her bags and moved to her place on a Saturday.
(HarryHaids, 5. 6. 2021 15:00)
Cross-dressing camper
(Andrewmat, 5. 6. 2021 12:52)
So there I was still shaking and standing between Johns legs with my hands on his knees and him sitting there with no pants on still catching our breath when we hear someone yell John and a flashlight comes our way. Im sure we looked like deer in the headlights when the flashlight hits us and didnt move. John! What the? Who is this? as his pace picked up and he got closer to us.Uhh, Steven umm uh John replied We send you for firewood and you get some action in. Lucky Bastard. Im Steven he said to me, not sure if we shake hands or what to do in a situation like this. Im still speechless and he says what are you wearing dude? Thats hot. I introduced myself and grabbed my beer and took a big long swig. Im Scott and yeah I come out here for privacy so I can crossdress. I guess I got caught... again. I stepped back out from between Johns legs and stepped back over the bench.
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Daddy and Me
(Vincentlak, 5. 6. 2021 5:31)
Summertime in Phoenix sucks!! Let me tell you unless you have a pool your summers will be full of boredom! The house I grew up in had a older style pool. Wasnt the beautiful pools we see now but it was something. My name is Alexandra but I go by Alex Allie or Al. I was excited summer had finally come and I could stay home and relax. My best friend Kate comes over all of the time. On a hot Monday she came over so we could swim in my pool. At the time I remember I was a little jealous of Kate because she was super skinny had a nice body. Anyways we head upstairs to my room to put on our bathing suits. Kate and I have never been shy around each other. At least my boobs were bigger than hers. As we get undressed i glance over at Kate looking at her from head to toe. I never knew why my pussy was just a little slit and the only way I can describe hers was meaty. She had what looked like an overgrown clit hood.
Surprised By My Wife’s Knowledge
(Thomasfaf, 4. 6. 2021 22:25)
I thought she was beautiful as I stood there peeking in through the window.Yes, she was beautiful as she stood there in front of the mirror naked, fondling her small firm breasts, pinching her cute stiff nipples with one hand, her other hand rubbing her hot pussy slit, tickling her clitoris and slipping her small finger up into her tight pussy opening.
I stood there watching as she took herself to a peak then over the edge, her body spasming and jerking as she took herself to orgasm.
I knew right then and there I was going to fuck that girl and give her the real pleasure I was sure she was fantasizing about when she finger fucked herself to an orgasm.
Yes, I was going to slip my large stiff cock right up into that little, I believed, virginal cunt of hers taking her virginity and fucking her until she orgasmed like I was sure she was dreaming of.
I slipped into the house and going to her bedroom door which was also open just a crack.
She was home alone her mother having gone to a meeting with a friend of hers, and would be gone until almost midnight.
I was sure that would give me the time to enjoy her cunt giving her the pleasure that she would keep coming back to me for.
Hey, sexy!
(Kennethalcop, 3. 6. 2021 19:06)
I was coming out of the tiny shower of the suite at 11:45, rushing in the hopes Tom Edwards, the First Officer, might be hanging around the hallway outside “just in case”. Without bothering with underwear, I slip on the summer dress I had worn previously, sandals, and quickly brushed my hair. I opened the door to find Tom nervously pacing just down the hall from my suite.
Funny story
(ThomasSix, 2. 6. 2021 10:34)
“How may I satisfy you best, Sirs? In my mouth or … perhaps my pussy? One at a time or together?”
Nothing was said for a moment, so I interjected my own thought, “May I suggest?” They numbly nodded. “Let’s do both at the same time.
Mr. Wilson, if you’ll lay yourself against the headboard …”
He did as I directed after quickly shedding his remaining clothes.
I crawled up onto the bed after him thinking the reputation of hotel bed covers being a haven for bodily fluids was about to become even truer.
With him settled, I crawled onto the bed to him and looked over my shoulder. In a deliciously devious gesture that only I understood I patted my ass for Tenor to come and fuck me.
(Haroldfem, 2. 6. 2021 8:55)
You wanted to see me, Sir?
I was two steps into his office, my suit jacket sliding down my arms as I walked to my location between the chairs in front of his desk.
“Something has come to my attention that might be interesting.”
It wasn’t normal for him to blurt out what was on his mind when I was summoned to his office. We had established something of a protocol of how this was to work.
It was akin to a tribal ritual of exchanging pleasant conversation prior to entering into serious exchange, a ritual intended to maintain civility and peace and calm prior to any interaction.
I had thought ours was the same, though it had never been expressed or defined. I undressed and he sat back in his chair to enjoy it prior to entering into any business.
(CarlosMal, 31. 5. 2021 13:18)
Samantha was a total and complete knockout, a perfect ten, and in today’s language a MILF.
In other words Samantha was a fucking wet dream. If she was coming with us I wanted to go to a water park, a nude beach, or a long walk in a warm light rain.
Well the nude beach was out of the question and the warm summer rain only happened once but it was a memory that would last for a lifetime.
Samantha’s white T-shirt and white bra got soaked, right to her skin. That bra was not very thick and did nothing to hide her dark areolas and hard nipples.
Her tight yellow shorts got wet too. Her pink thong panties became visible and her dark pubic hair did too.
It was the most erotic thing that I had ever seen. I lusted after her that day and ever since.
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Jolene felt a burning sensation
(SergioSwamy, 8. 6. 2021 20:38)